Good practice guide for NGOs - loyalty


Improving SOS Children’s Villages Romania’s fundraising sustainability by strengthening donor retention and loyalty

Improving SOS Children’s Villages Romania’s fundraising sustainability by strengthening donor retention and loyaltyis a fundraising project designed to develop the Association’s capacity to cultivate the relationship with its donors. 

Project goals:

Improving donor loyalty and keeping supporters a longer period alongside SOS Children’s Villages’ cause 

Revenue growth from recurrent donations, from individuals, with the main purpose of ensuring the sustainability of the projects developed by SOS Children’s Villages 

The mission of SOS Children’s Villages Romania is to provide a family for children left without parental care and to support and protect those at risk of losing it. Experience over the past years has shown us that in order to run sustainable and impactful programs for vulnerable children, it is essential to create a strong and stable community of long-term donors. 

A strong donor community means informed supporters who understand the organization’s mission and are aware of how the funds raised turn into support for vulnerable children and families. To develop such a community and keep existing donors on board, it takes funds and especially dedicated human resources to cultivate donor relationships. 

The target group is made up of individual donors, who support the organization’s programs through monthly donations. The beneficiaries of the fundraising campaigns are 850 vulnerable children that SOS Children’s Villages supports every year through its programs. 

The main activities in the project are:

Increase donor retention capacity: through team development and best practice and knowledge sharing with SOS Children’s Villages Norway.

Develop telemarketing activities to maintain donor communication and conduct fundraising campaigns.

Conduct a research among active SOS Children’s Villages donors.

Disseminate lessons from the project to other organizations in the non-profit sector.

The project implementation period is 24 months (January 2022 – December 2023).

Project budget is 99,997 euros.

Project partner: SOS Children’s Villages Norway

The best practice guide created within the project:



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The project is implemented by SOS Children’s Villages Romania in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages Norway and benefits from a  99.997 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at

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Contact details: Adela Denisse Drogeanu, Project Manager –

    Project implemented by