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Developing a new intervention model for vulnerable children in Sibiu


Partners: SOS Children’s Villages Norway, DGASPC Sibiu

Collaborators: Agnita Town Hall, Avrig Town Hall, Brăteiu Town Hall, Valea Viilor Town Hall, Slimnic Town Hall, Ațel Town Hall


To develop and promote an intervention model, at the Sibiu county level, which contributes to increasing the access of children from vulnerable families at risk of poverty and social exclusion (children aged 0-14 years, including children with parents working abroad or remigrated) to social services, as well as to increase the level of satisfaction of families with the quality of services.


SO.1. Based on individualized service plans, Provide quality social, educational and employment services for 300 children aged 0-14 years and their families in 6 rural and urban communities in Sibiu County.

SO.2. Increase the capacity of social service professionals and members of community advisory structures in Sibiu County in working with children and their families at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

SO.3. Increase the capacity of public social services in Sibiu County and DGASPC Sibiu to identify, assess and address the needs of children and families at risk of poverty and social exclusion.


Total estimated eligible costs – 2,735,739.92 Lei

Grant amount – 2,462,165.93 Lei

Private contribution of PP – 273,573.99 Lei

Project duration – 32 Months

Start date: 01.05.2021


  1. Children affected by parental migration („children alone at home”) and remigrated children – 50
    of which from rural areas:18
  2. Vulnerable families or including vulnerable groups (children aged 0-14) – 250 of which rural: 97


  1. Professionals and volunteers working with or interacting with vulnerable groups (e.g. professionals and volunteers, teaching staff, social services staff and volunteers, police, gendarmes, local authority employees, etc.) – 85
  2. Family members/supporters of beneficiaries in the main target groups (e.g. parents, grandparents, guardians, legal representatives, etc.) – 150
  3. Other secondary target groups who can contribute to increasing the impact of the project (employers, members of neighboring communities, representatives of public authorities, etc.) – 36


A1 – Project Management

A2 – Information and promotion

A3 – Identification and intake of children at risk in the 6 communities involved in the project

A4 – Provision of social services for children and parents

A5 – Provision of educational services for children

A6 – Provision of employment services for parents (unemployed or inactive) and young people (15-24 years) from vulnerable families

A7 – Training activities for professionals

A8 – Training activities for members of community advisory structures

Sustainability of the project – sustainability min. 5 years after approval of the final report

The project „Development of an intervention model for children in vulnerable situations in Sibiu County”, benefits from a grant of 521.000 € offered by Norway through the Norwegian Grants under the Local Development Programme.

Material produced with financial support from Norwegian Grants 2014 – 2021.
The content of this text does not reflect the official opinion of the Programme Operator, the National Contact Point or the Financial Mechanism Office.
The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
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