The duration of the project: 14 months (March 15, 2014 – May 15, 2015)
Project partners: Oslo Municipality and SOS children’s Villages Norway
Location of the project: Bacau county, 8 communities: Hemeius, Racova, Letea Veche, Saucesti, Girleni, Blagesti, Beresti-Bistrita, Margineni.
Overall objective of the project is to contribute to a favorable environment to child development in 8 rural communities from Bacau County.
Target group: children and families in disadvantaged situation from 8 communities from Bacau County.
Direct beneficiaries:
- 70 specialists from social field from 8 communities, Bacau County – they will benefit from informing and training sessions regarding ICDP model
- 100 specialists from social field from 8 communities, Bacau County – they will participate to the project events
- 40 members of the community consultative structures from 8 communities, Bacau County
- 80 families (160 children) from 8 communities, Bacau County
Short description:
Through the project „International Child Development Program – strategy to prevent inequalities, social and family violence”, we introduce a new model in Romania (ICDP), which is based on child-parent interaction. Interaction is seen within a community and requires a support network that facilitates and encourages positive relationships.
The project will be implemented in eight villages of the county Bacau, characterized by poverty, lack of jobs, family violence, uninformed parents and inadequate parenting attitudes and practices. Project activities is addressed to specialists for acquiring new skills and knowledge in working with children and parents, and community members and public authorities for increasing responsiveness and mobilization to reduce inequalities and violence against children. The project is implemented by SOS Children’s Villages Romania, in partnership with SOS Norway and Oslo Municipality.
SOS Romania gained special experience for 7 years working with children and families at risk in rural communities from Bacau (through SOS Counseling and support center for children and parents Hemeius) and the partners’ expertise in working with disadvantaged communities using innovative methods and techniques is added through this project (ICDP, outreach, early interventions, Family Group Conference, families mentor etc.). Mentioned methods and techniques have been introduced in Norway since the 60s (ICDP was introduced recently, in 1985, as a community-based program) and have proven over time the usefulness and relevance in working with communities and disadvantaged groups.
Communities involved in the project:

Project financed by the EEA Grants 2009 – 2014, in the framework of the NGO Fund in Romania.
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